pasalubong shop
Pasalubong, a Tagalog word meaning an ‘offering’ or a ‘present’. A Filipino tradition that has been practiced for centuries of travelers bringing gifts or souvenirs for family or friends after being away for a period of time.
This custom is a symbol of gratitude and thoughtfulness.
Our Pasalubong Shop is an ode to the Philippines’ sari-sari (meaning variety) stores which are the neighborhood convenience stores that sell various goods from food, mobile devices, to household items. Peruse our shop’s offerings to register for workshops and online courses, send gift cards to loved ones, and access free/complimentary resources. Each service and item in our shop are pasalubongs you can give to yourself or a special someone as a token of care.
Pasalubong Shop
Explore self-care principles using the 10 wellness dimensions on your own schedule through this interactive online course from our Self-Guided Workshops Collection. One benefit of offering this workshop as an online course is that your one-time purchase grants you lifetime access anywhere you may go! We make it accessible for you to create and regularly renew your self-practice as often as you want as you grow and progress in life. Non-refundable. The fee is inclusive of sales tax.
Complimentary Offerings
Wellness Checkup
Maintaining your presence in our community keeps you in the mix with news, events, and stories happening with The Giving Well. Share your email with us to stay connected and receive our complimentary Wellness Checkup workbook as our welcoming pasalubong and an invitation to reflect on your wellness health.
Self-Care Inspirations Workshop
Register your interest with your email address and we’ll let you know when we launch our FREE Self-Care Inspirations Workshop.
You’ll be sent a link to register for this FREE workshop. In the meantime, we’ll be sharing other free offerings.
Occupational Wellness: Breath Work Audio
Take pauses during work hours.
It’s tempting to work through our day without breaks. You may feel pressured to perform well or meet a deadline. Pauses actually help our nervous system to regulate and our brains to reset its focus.
Deep breathing is one way we can take pauses in our day. Use our free guided exercise to help relax your body and mind to allow for rest and separation from work so your self-confidence is protected.
Physical Wellness: Build a Caring Relationship with Your Body
Are you being kind to your body? Use our free guide to list the ways you are respecting your body and how you take care of it.
Our body works hard for us every day. It helps us get through good and tough times. Your body absorbs the impact of stress, daily life events and emotional energies you exude and receive.
Have a gracious relationship to your body by adopting the notion that respecting your body as it is today is caring for your physical wellness.
Emotional Wellness: Letter Templates
Modern times have dwindled the significance of writing letters. Do not underestimate the power of your handwritten words. The time you dedicate to putting on paper your thoughts allows you to get in touch with your emotions and connects you to others in a tender way that text and email cannot.
Letters are invitations you give for someone to get to know your heart. What an exquisite way for you to care for yourself while delicately including others in your life.
Ways to Feel Better Through Nature
Wellness cards with ideas to feel better through nature. Ideas created by adolescents and adults.
Autumn Activity
Prompts for reflection during the autumn season.
Winter Activity
Prompts for reflection during the winter season.
Ways to Feel Better Through Music
Wellness cards with ideas to feel better through music. Ideas created by adolescents and adults.
NAAPIMHA Behavioral Health Resource
A Behavioral Health Resource List compiled by the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association, https://www.naapimha.org. This list includes service organizations that provide mental health and behavioral services for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in all 50 United States.
Future Offerings
Invest in your own wellness through an annual membership to The Giving Well community.
Launch: TBA
Gift a Membership
Invest in a friend or a love one’s wellness. Share the experience of an annual membership to The Giving Well community.
Launch: TBA