September: Spiritual Wellness
Each month we take a closer look at one wellness dimension and what better place to start off with than spiritual wellness?
Spirituality is a connection or concern with the spirit or soul rather than the physical elements of this world. Reconnecting with your purpose and beliefs can be an essential part of your overall wellbeing and inform how you create your ideal life.
Kaibigan Letter
Checklists and Timelines
Writing to Robust Wellness
Expressive writing, like journaling, evokes mindfulness and helps writers remain present while keeping perspective. Journaling is an opportunity for emotional catharsis, strengthens our emotional and mental health, relieves stress and boosts our immune system, keeps our memory sharp, and emphasizes our pattern and growth in adversity.
We invite you to keep a journal and unearth how your lifestyle interweaves the ten wellness dimensions with Laura as your guide.
Shared Stories
Journal Prompt:
When was a time that you deeply connected to someone else’s story?
Weekly Journals
September 20-26, 2021
Spiritual & Educational
Journal Prompt:
In what ways have you allowed the instincts of your heart to complement your understanding and education of the world around you?
Why do the 10 Wellness Dimensions Matter?
Aside from discovering new ways of nurturing and caring for yourself, the 10 wellness dimensions we talk about also provide a way of looking at your own identity.
Your relationship with spirituality, leisure, education, and the rest…they make up your identity.
Deepening one’s understanding of themselves can be an incredibly powerful tool to have.
Spiritual & Occupational
Journal Prompt:
Working in a job you love may not be possible for everyone. Different circumstances draw us to different situations. But imagine what it would be like if we were all involved in work that moved our spirit?
If you had the choice of doing anything as your life’s work, what would it be?
If you aren’t currently doing that for your work, what are some ways you can implement it into your life?
Weekly Journals
September 12-18, 2021
Spiritual X Social
Journal Prompt:
The relationship with ourselves forms the basis for our relationship with others.
How does your spiritual life and understanding yourself impact your friendships, relationships, and how you interact with your family and community?
Spiritual & Emotional
Journal Prompt:
What spiritual and emotional experiences have transformed you throughout your life?
Spiritual & Mental/Intellectual
Journal Prompt:
What do you think about the quote “Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need.”?
Weekly Journals
September 5-11, 2021
As we kick off September
exploring spiritual wellness, now is a good time to consider whether or not you think the life you’re currently living is aligned with your spiritual beliefs.
Journal Prompt:
In the last 24 hours what have you done purposefully connected to your spiritual wellbeing?
Spiritual & Environmental
Journal Prompt:
The quote above suggests that understanding the relationships between living organisms and their environment can provide insights into our own spirituality.
When have you experienced a moment in which observing nature helped you understand your place in the world?
Spiritual & Environmental
Experiencing nature is a way to access spirituality for many people. In Australia, the Aboriginal people consider the large sandstone monolith, called Uluru, in the red center of the country to be an extremely important spiritual site.
Which specific place have you been to that felt like a spiritual experience?
Spiritual & Physical
Journal Prompt:
The posture of putting your head down to pray, sitting in meditation, moving through yoga poses…these are all examples of how we use the body to prime ourselves and invite spirituality into our lives.
What is your go-to method of preparing to connect with spirit?